选举问题(Leader election)就是在一群处理器中选举出中央的处理器,这种特殊的处理器在集群中只有一个,而且选举人其实可以不知道中央处理器是谁,只需要知道自己是否是中央处理器。选举问题可以变得非常复杂,但是在本章中,主要考虑在环状网络下通过MP系统进行选举。可以查阅Yale的详细表述。 本章主要举出了三种不同场景下的选举算法(Peterson算法之后补充完整),并在最后讨论了该问题的复杂度下界并给出了构造性证明,还是比较有意思的。
- Symmetry: 节点顺序的改变不会影响整个系统的表现
- Equivalence Relation: 所有等价关系的进程都运行着相同的代码,并且如果$p$等价于$p’$, 那么$p$的每一个近邻都等价于$p’$的每一个近邻
- Anonymous Ring: 每一个进程都运行 相同 的代码的 环状 网络结构
- Sense of Direction: 如果一个节点能够分辨左右近邻,那么就可以通过距离最左侧的节点的距离来唯一的确定每一个节点
- Symmetry Breaking: 偏离初始对称配置的message-passing system。打破对称性可以通过让每个节点进行随机选择,以一定的概率打破原先的对称性配置,但是这种方法不能保证收敛到唯一一个leader;或者为每个节点设置身份标识,只需申明身份就能打破对称性。
- Lemma 1.1 : A symmetric deterministic message-passing system that starts in an initial configuration in which equivalent processes have the same state has a synchronous execution in which equivalent processes continue to have the same state.
The Le-Lann-Chang-Roberts Algorithm
Configuration: unidirectional ring, nodes with identities, not necessarily synchronous
Complexity: $O(n^2)$ messages and $O(n)$ time
- 时间复杂度比较简单
- LCR算法允许非同步的展开,但是为了更好的计算复杂度,我们不妨考虑在同步环境下的情况。我们可以看到,在每一轮的发送之后,最少有一个处理器会被淘汰,因此,求和得到整体的报文复杂度就是$n+(n-1)+\dots+1=O(n^2)$
Class node:
Procedure initialize(assigned_id) :
this.leader := false
this.id := assigned_id
this.maxId := assigned_id
this.sendMessageTo(content:=assigned_id, to:=this.next)
End Procedure
Procedure receiveMessage(message) :
if message.content == this.id
this.leader := true
if message.content > this.maxId
this.maxId = message.content
this.sendMessageTo(content:=message.content, to:=this.next)
End Procedure
End Class
The Hirschberg-Sinclair Algorithm
Configuration: unidirectional ring, nodes with identities, not necessarily synchronous
Complexity: $O(n\log n)$ messages and $O(n)$ time
- 我们将HS算法完成的运行时间段分成多个阶段(phase),每个阶段内的跳跃(hop)距离都相同,第$k$个阶段内的距离是$2^k$。最多有$\log n$个阶段,因此时间复杂度$\sum_{k=1}^{\log n}2^k=O(2^{\log n})=O(n)$
- 同理,在第$k$个阶段,能起始发送报文的处理器需要是第$k-1$阶段胜出的处理器,也就是说有$\frac{n}{2^{k-1}}$起始处理器。报文复杂度是$\sum_{k=1}^{\log n}2^k\frac{n}{2^{k-1}}=O(n\log n)$
Improvement: [LRC] each process probe locally: double range when locally max, otherwise drop out
Class agent:
Field original_sender: node.pid.atype
Field direction: {LEFT, RIGHT}
Field hop_count: int
Field max_seen: int
End Class
Class node:
Procedure initialize(assigned_id) :
this.leader := true
this.id := assigned_id
this.hop := 1
this.carry := new agent(this.pid, LEFT, this.hop, this.id)
this.carry.direction := RIGHT
End Procedure
Procedure receiveMessage(message) :
if this.carry.original_sender == this.pid
if message.content.max_seen == this.id
this.hop := this.hop * 2
this.carry.hop_count := this.hop
this.carry.direction := LEFT
this.carry := message.content
this.carry.direction := RIGHT
this.leader := false
this.carry := message.content
if message.content.hop_count != 0
if message.content.max_seen > this.carry.max_seen
this.leader := false
this.carry := message.content
else if message.content.max_seen < this.carry.max_seen
message.content.max_seen := this.carry.max_seen
this.sendMessageTo(content:=message.content, to:=this.next)
End Procedure
End Class
The Peterson’s Algorithm
Configuration: unidirectional ring, nodes with identities, asynchronous
Complexity: $O(n\log n)$ messages and $O(n)$ time
Randomized $O(n\log n)$-message Algorithm
这个算法本身是将LCR算法进行随机化处理(Randomization),从而减少报文复杂度的期望。在运行的时候,在原有的标签(id)前面附着(prepend)足够长度的随机字节串。这样,每个增益标签都是唯一的并且非常类似于随机排列(permutation),因此我们可以得到第 $i$个最大的原标签只会平均传播$n/i$跳,因此总计$O(nH_n)=O(n\log n)$跳。
Lower bounds for message complexity
Asynchronous + uniform: $\Omega (n\log n)$
- recursively, by first constructing two bad $(n/2)$-process executions and pasting them together in a way that generates many extra messages
- learning the identity of the process with the smallest id is a slightly stronger problem than merely leader election, with only additional $O(2n)$ message complexity
- open executions: partial executions where no message is delivered across some edge (called open edge)
- if no message is delivered across this edge, the processes can’t tell if there is really a single edge there or some enormous unexplored fragment of a much larger ring
- $n=2$时,一定有人最终要进行通讯,因此$T(2)\geq 1$
- for larger $n$
- we have two open executions $\sigma_1, \sigma_2$on $n/2$ processes that each send at least $T(n/2)$ messages
- break the open edges on both executions and paste the resulting line together to get a ring of size $n$, then we get a combined schedule $\sigma_1\sigma_2$ with at least $2T(n/2)$ messages. Note that in the combined schedule $\sigma_1\sigma_2$ no messages are passed between the two sides, so the processes continue to behave as they are separated.
- Denote $e$ and $e’$ as the edges that we used to paste the two ring together. Extend $\sigma_1\sigma_2$ by the longest suffix $\sigma_3$. Since $\sigma_3$ is as long as possible, after $\sigma_3$ there are no messages waiting to be delivered across any of $e$ and $e’$ and all processes are quiescent.
- Consider some complete execution $\sigma_1\sigma_2\sigma_3\sigma_4$ in which all messages delayed on both $e$ and $e’$ are delivered.
- Now consider the processes in the half of the ring with the larger minimum id. Partition the $n/2$ processes o4en the this side into two groups based on whether the first message they get is triggered by opening $4$ or $e’$.
- Since the losing side need at least an additional $n/2-2$ messages (excluding the two processes connection $e$ and $e’$) to learn to minimum id of its counterpart, one of the two group divided on the last step must contain at least $\frac{1}{2}(n/2-2)$ processes who receive new messages, meaning that there is an open execution $\sigma_2\sigma_2\sigma_3\sigma_4’$ in which we open up only one edge and still get and additional $\Theta(n)$ messages.
- Thus, we form an open execution on $n$ processes. $T(n) \geq 2T(n/2) + \Theta (n)$
Synchronous + comparison-based: $\Omega (n\log n)$
- order-equivalent: for two fragment $i\dots i+k$ and $j\dots j+k$, $\forall b = 0\dots k$, $\mathrm{id_{i+a}}>\mathrm{id_{i+b}}\;\Leftrightarrow\;\mathrm{id_{j+a}}>\mathrm{id_{j+b}}$
- similar: executions of $p_1$ and $p_2$ is similar if both processes send messages in the same direction(s) in the same rounds and both processes declare themselves leader (or not) at the same round.
- full-information protocol: each message is replaced by the ID and a complete history of the sending process, including all messages it has ever received.
- comparison-based: the algorithm can only copy IDs and test for $<$. The state of such an algorithm is modeled by 1) some non-ID state + a big bag of IDs, 2) messages have a pile of IDs attached to them, etc.. Two states are equivalent under some mapping of IDs if you can translate the first to the second by running all IDs through the mapping.
- active round: a round in which ate least 1 message is sent.
- actions of $i$ after $k$ active rounds depends only on the order-equivalence class of ids in the $k$-neighborhood of $i$, up to an order-equivalent mapping of ids.
- If we have an order of ids with a lot of order-equivalent $k$-neighborhoods, then after $k$ active rounds if one process sends a message, so do a lot of other ones.
Coq Basics (I) Inductives, Fixpoints, Tactics -
Distributed Algorithm Basics (V) - Logical Clock