Distributed Algorithm Basics (III) - Distributed BFS

Notes on DA study

Posted by swimiltylers on November 30, 2018


本章主要讲述三种BFS生成算法,通过衡量到达树根的距离,处理器确定自己在BFS tree中的层数以及对应的子节点和父节点。后两种算法涉及到不同类型的同步机制(Synchronizer),这里就不细细展开了。

Explicit Distance

Complexity: $O(VE)$ messages and $O(D)$ time

Backward: Messages pile up on the channel.

Class node:
	Procedure initialzie :
		if this.pid == root
			this.distance := 0
			this.distance := POSTIVE_INFINITE
	End Procedure
	Procedure receiveMessage(message) :
		if message.from.distance+1 < this.distances
			this.distance := message.from.distance+1
			this.parent := message.from.pid
	End Procedure
End Class

Layering: Building Beta Synchronizer

Complexity: $O(E+VD)$ messages and $O(D^2)$ time

Backward: Too much time on propagation permission.

Procedure LayeredBFS
	Initialize __bfs_tree__, Set __root__.dist = 0 while __root__.bound = 1
	Send __root__.generateMessage to __root__.neighbors
	Define __node__: 
			Register this to __bfs_tree__ Unless __bfs_tree__.find(this)
			Set this.dist = message.dist + 1 If message is __dist_update__
			Send message to __bfs_tree__.children(this) If message is 			__bound_update__
			Send this.generateMessage to this.neighbors If message.bound > this.bound
		Wait for __bfs_tree__.stableS
		Break Unless __bfs_tree__ changes
		Increment __root__.bound
		Notify the update to all nodes through __bfs_tree__.path
End Procedure

Local Sync: Building Alpha Synchronizer

Inspiration: Layering algorithm needs a global permission to continue propagation, which is too costly. Instead, that each node at distance $d$ delays sending out a recruiting message until it has confirmed that none of its neighbors will sending it a smaller distance is a better option.

Complexity: $O(\mid E\mid\bullet D)$ messages and $O(D)$ time

Class node:
	Procedure initialzie :
		if this.pid == root
			this.distance := 0
			this.sendMessageTo("exactly", this.neighbors)
	End Procedure
	Procedure receiveMessage(message) :
		if this.pid != root
			if this.distance == 0
				this.sendMessageTo("more than", this.neighbors)
			if this.neigbhors.equal(this.receivedMessages.from)
				scenarios_dict := {
                	"scenario one":
                		x.equal("exactly", $d) -> more than 1
                		x.equal("more than", $d-1) -> rest
                	"scenario two":
                		x.equal("more than", $d) -> all
				switch checkScenario(this.receivedMessages, scenarios_dict)
					case "scenario one":
						this.distance := $d + 1
						this.sendMessageTo("exactly", this.neighbors)
					case "scenario two":
						this.distance := $d + 1
						this.sendMessageTo("more than", this.neighbors)
	End Procedure
End Class